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I will describe how i did install the check_nwc_health plugin

to use spez Plugin i have a spez directory (--> Icinga2 | (spez)Plugins | define path)

 Step on the Icinga2 Master 
#  cd /usr/lib/nagios/pluginsCustom
# mkdir  check_nwc_health
#  cd /usr/lib/nagios/pluginsCustom/check_nwc_health
#  cd /tmp
#  wget https://labs.consol.de/assets/downloads/nagios/check_nwc_health-7.1.tar.gz
  #  tar -xvzf   check_nwc_health-7.1.tar.gz    
  #  cd /check_nwc_health-7.1    
  mv plugins-scripts  /usr/lib/nagios/pluginsCustom/check_nwc_health    

Lausser and check_nwc_health on github.com
how to install it...

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add a service to a hostgroup

i have a couple of Debian 9 "Server/Host/Client" they all should have some Basic Service Check like (apt, disk, mem, swap, procs, users, running_kernel, apt, ssh, iostat, ping4, fping4, tcp, udp, ssl, ntp_time)

because i don't want to add this check to each host  i did define a hostgroup and add the hostgroupname to the host (--> "define Hostgroup & add Host to a Hostgroup")

 Merci to rsx (Roland) 

 steps i have done... icinga2 Master
 went to the zone.d #  cd /etc/icinga2/zones.d/
 crate a new directory #  mkdir services
 went to the new directory #  cd /services
or #  cd /etc/icinga2/zones.d/services
open a new file # vi service2debian9.conf      
to check apt on all defined Debian 9 "Host/Server/Client" apply Service "apt" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "apt"

  assign where host.address && host.vars.os == "debian9"
  command_endpoint = host_name
to Check swap apply Service "swap" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "swap"

  assign where host.address && host.vars.os == "debian9"
  command_endpoint = host_name
 Check it if it for error #  icinga2 daemon -C      
if ok #  systemctl restart icinga2      


 Sometimes all would be perfect but a Service is on a Host not needed or not available.
so you will get a error.
to avoid the error - just ignore the host like this

32 apply Service "swap" {
33 import "generic-service"
34 check_command = "swap"
36 assign where host.address && host.vars.os == "debian9"
37 ignore where host.name == "memoryalpha.kozo.ch"
38 command_endpoint = host_name
39 }
  #  icinga2 daemon -C      
  #  systemctl restart icinga2      

- 05-service-monitoring/#general-monitoring
have a look and for my test
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Define a Hostgroup Debian
for all your Debian 9 client and Server
 #  vi /etc/icinga2/conf.d/groups.conf   object HostGroup "debian9" {
display_name = "Debian 9"

assign where host.vars.os == "debian9"
add definition to a Host #  cd /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/ open your hostfile endig with *.conf object Host "client.kozo.ch" {

check_command = "hostalive" //check is executed on the master
display_name = "client name text"
address = ""
vars.os = "debian9"

vars.client_endpoint = "name" //follows the convention that host name == endpoint name
do a check if it is OK #  icinga2 daemon -C      
and if OK - restart #   systemctl reload icinga2      

NOW --> add service to a hostgroup


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#  cd /etc/icinga2/conf.d conf.d Directory (hosts.conf, services.conf, users.conf, notifications.conf, commands.conf, groups.conf, templates.conf, downtimes.conf, timeperiods.conf, api-users.conf, app.conf )
Service icinga.com/docs/icinga2/latest/doc/09-object-types/#service
Warning/Critical how to define +/- Nagios Guideline (search for " Threshold and Ranges " )  
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