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Arduino Cookbook


This cookbook is perfect for anyone who wants to experiment with the popular Arduino microcontroller and programming environment. You’ll find more than 200 tips and techniques for building a variety of objects and prototypes such as toys, detectors, robots, and interactive clothing that can sense and respond to touch, sound, position, heat,...

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Read more: Arduino Cookbook

Getting Started with the Propeller


Ready to take your Arduino skills to the next level? This book shows you how to build projects with the Propeller, a microcontroller built from the silicon up for prototyping. A multicore architecture and new programming language make the Propeller ideal for artists and hobbyists who are building unique applications—especially projects that...

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Read more: Getting Started with the Propeller



This book provides the technology fundaments and integration knowledge needed to interface a wide variety of sensors and actuators with the Arduino microcontroller. Readers will have at their fingertips a compendium covering the physical operation, in-circuit and program interfacing, sensor by sensor, for a range of physical quantities, as well...

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Read more: Sensor Interfaces for Arduino



Arduino ist ein Mikrocontroller, der mithilfe eines USB-Kabels an den PC angeschlossen und von dort aus gesteuert wird. Sowohl die Hardware wie auch die Entwicklungsumgebung zur Steuerung stehen unter Open-Source-Lizenz. Zahlreiche Peripherieteile wie LEDs, Motoren und Sensoren knnen ber den Arduino gesteuert werden. Der Mikrocontroller eignet...

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Read more: Arduino für Einsteiger

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