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Hardware Information

Laptop | DELL | Latitude E6410 

Linux ...

EDIMAX | WI-FI | AC600 Wireless Dual-Band Mini USB Adapter
Switch between KDE and GNOME

# su
# apt install kdm

 known Hardware # lshw -short
# lspci
# lsusb
# system-manufacturer
# system-product-name
# system-version
 Wifi not running after Installation # lspci -nn

GUI System ->Administrator ->Additional Drivers

Install the non-free WiFi Code

sudo su  
vi  /etc/apt/sources.list  
deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free just add the non-free behind the deb....
apt-get update  
apt-get install firmware-iwlwifi  

 Install Conky too ... conky LUA install / config

install conky too ... conky




after the Reboot i hat it on the network section
Find your SSD and connect it



- www.linuxforums.org/forum/newbie/42564-switch-gnome-kde-how-debian.html
- www.dell.com/support/home/ch/de/chbsdt1
- www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch01.de.html
- http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~axs/laptop/#wireless

gallery-1-black1logitech | UltraThin Keyboard Cover for Ipad 2 Air

Battery used: CR2032 3Volts

 Go to Settings on your iPad and check if Bluetooth is active.
  • Make sure your keyboard case is charged. Turn your keyboard on and check the status indicator. If it’s red, your keyboard has less than 10% battery life left and you should replace the batteries.
  • Try moving away from other wireless or Bluetooth sources — you could be experiencing interference.
  • On your iPad, turn Bluetooth off and then back on again.
  • Try un-pairing and re-pairing your keyboard case with your iPad. Here’s how:
    1. On your iPad, tap Settings and then Bluetooth.
    2. Find Ultrathin in the Devices list, tap the arrow to the right, and then tap Forget this device.
    3. Slide the power switch to the On position on the keyboard. The status indicator on the top right will glow green.
    4. Press the Bluetooth connection button on the right side of the keyboard to put it into discovery mode.
    5. On your iPad, tap Settings and then Bluetooth settings, locate Ultrathin in the Devices list, and select it.
    6. Enter the six digit passkey shown on your iPad screen using the Ultrathin keyboard and press Enter.
    7. Once the connection is made, the indicator will turn solid blue. Your keyboard is ready to use.

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