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To me, eMail servers are one of the most complicated but most interesting things there are in the technical world. However, in the past I did some attempts to setup a full-featured eMail-Server environment using the Citadel and the Kolab 2.2.4 groupware software.

It worked, though for me neither of them felt “complete”.

Citadel, designed as a

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Read more: Kolab 3 collaboration server on ubuntu

Ubuntu Many people have asked us to provide Kolab packages for Ubuntu. Unfortunately, we have only 1,5 .deb packagers in our community. Still, the demand for these packages is huge. Some people even went so far and made the packages for Debian wheezy install on Ubuntu with some success.

In order to improve this situation and make these hacks unnecessary,

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Read more: Experimental Ubuntu Packages Ready for Testing

Step to go to hold a Server with Email, Homepage, Owncloud, Kolab at Home  Proxmox SimonCheng



 Basic SOHO Situation

Proxmox / Basic Installation / Forum Logo-ProxmoxVE1  
Proxmox KVM pFsense NAT    
pfSense setup    


- howto Forge:Virtuelle Multiserverumgebung mit dedizierten Web & MySQL, Email & DNS Servern unter Debian Squeeze mit ISPConfig 3




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