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This is a guest post by Alexej Ruseckij.Using Kolab 3 with nginx

Here's a config for nginx&php5-fpm that works under Debian7 and CentOS6.

It still needs some testing under CentOS6, though. All features seem to be working at first, second and third glance, but I didn't go much past glances. It does work in Debian7 pretty well.

It's set to enforce https connection to all

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Read more: Using Kolab 3 with nginx

After a somewhat brief overview over the world we find ourselves in, the question is what does this mean to us as a society?

As highlighted in the previous article, governments have no realistic option not to engage in some form of activities to protect their people from threats that originate on-line or have an on-line component. These were the

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Read more: The Post-PRISM Society: Totalitarian Clouds

Sixteen weeks have passed since my last post – quite some time! About a week ago I switched my private mail system to Kolab 3, using openSUSE 12.3 as a base. Works really great! We progressed far and I'm proud to announce:Kolab 3.0 for openSUSE 12.2 and openSUSE 12.3 STABLE repositories are published!

(Or at least they are building at the moment,

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Read more: Status of Kolab 3 on openSUSE (2013, week 27)

Questions of privacy, security and control have occupied me for a long time, both personally and professionally. In fact it was a significant aspect of my decision to switch focus from the Free Software Foundation Europe to Kolab Systems: I wanted to reduce the barriers to actually putting the principles into practice. That required a professional

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Read more: Welcome to the Post-PRISM Society: A primer.


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