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Today is a sad day for the world of Information Technology and the cause of software freedom. PJ just announced she’ll be shutting down Groklaw.

It’s hard to overestimate the role that Groklaw has played in the past years. Many of us, myself included, have worked with Groklaw over the years. I still take pride my article about the danger

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Read more: Groklaw shutting down.

cloud services and providers

When Edward Snowden leaked intelligence files, a storm was triggered in the cloud, leaving a path of destruction. Snowden’s email provider Lavabit shut down. So has the email offering of Silent Circle. The Guardian ran a story declaring: Lavabit’s closure marks the death of secure cloud computing in the U.S. And the EU is not entirely unaffected

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Read more: Do cloud right: Four critical steps to selecting the provider for you

In January this year we started the MyKolab beta phase and last week we finally moved it to its production environment, just in time for the Swiss national day. This seemed oddly fitting since the Swiss national day celebrates its independence and self-determination, as they were liberating themselves from the feudal system. So when Bruce Schneier

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Read more: MyKolab.com: Building the Open Source Cloud service that was missing

Following the disclosures about details on how the United States and other countries are monitoring the world there has been a global discussion about this subject that’s been long overdue. In previous articles I tried to put together what actually has been proven thus far, what that means for society, and what are the implications for

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Read more: Life post-PRISM: Politics and Power Struggles


Roundcube ist eine freie Software für Webmail über IMAP, die in den Programmiersprachen PHP und JavaScript entwickelt wird. Roundcubes prominenteste Features sind die schlanke und moderne Benutzeroberfläche und die ausgeprägte Nutzung der Ajax-Technologie, die einen ähnlichen Bedien-Komfort wie bei einer lokal installierten Anwendung ermöglicht.

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