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Kolab News

cloud services and providers

When Edward Snowden leaked intelligence files, a storm was triggered in the cloud, leaving a path of destruction. Snowden’s email provider Lavabit shut down. So has the email offering of Silent Circle. The Guardian ran a story declaring: Lavabit’s closure marks the death of secure cloud computing in the U.S. And the EU is not entirely unaffected

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Read more: Do cloud right: Four critical steps to selecting the provider for you

I have recently had the inclination to evaluate Free Software groupware solutions in more detail, and perhaps the first that came to mind was Kolab: a long-running project that provides a range of groupware functions including e-mail, calendaring, address books, task management, and various other functions for a fairly wide range of organisation

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Read more: Evaluating Free Software Groupware: Kolab

Ubuntu Many people have asked us to provide Kolab packages for Ubuntu. Unfortunately, we have only 1,5 .deb packagers in our community. Still, the demand for these packages is huge. Some people even went so far and made the packages for Debian wheezy install on Ubuntu with some success.

In order to improve this situation and make these hacks unnecessary,

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Read more: Experimental Ubuntu Packages Ready for Testing

Today is a sad day for the world of Information Technology and the cause of software freedom. PJ just announced she’ll be shutting down Groklaw.

It’s hard to overestimate the role that Groklaw has played in the past years. Many of us, myself included, have worked with Groklaw over the years. I still take pride my article about the danger

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Read more: Groklaw shutting down.

For development of the community version of Kolab, it is helpful to have nightly built packages of the master of git.kolab.org.

Note: these packages are only meant for development and testing, not at all for production use!!!

We have written this script: buildNightlyKolabRPMS.sh which retrieves the sources from https://git.kolab.org and gets the

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Read more: Install nightly build from git.kolab.org master

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