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Munin | Group Information

How to use and where to define Groups, and the difference in using the Munin-Master <--> Munin-Node vs. Munin-Master with SNMP

Munin-Master <--> Munin-Node

in the Munin-Master device in the file

#   /etc/munin/munin.conf

you have information like this to add for each Munin-Node

    use_node_name yes

With this ([munin-node.yourDomani.org]) part you are able to define some structure for your device.
The first part, bevor the dot, is your device you wish to monitore, behinde the dot you build your structure.

If you wish to Group it and split your VM, Switch, Hardware, Infrastructure device you could create a structure like this


Munin-Master <--> SNMP-"Node"

in the Munin-Master device in the file

#   /etc/munin/munin.conf

you have information like this to add for each

    use_node_name yes

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