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IoT Zoo the Software and communication part

Raspberry part und gilt für alle
Raspberry Pi Imager und da die Raspberry Pi OS Lite wählen. SD Karte auswerfen und einfügen dann noch ein leeres file SSH und die wpa_supplicant.conf einfügen.

Fixen Hostnamen definieren mit
Fixe IP Adresse unter
# vi /etc/dhcpcd.conf

# Example static IP configuration WLAN0:
interface wlan0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

IoT zoo

IOT  HW SW Bemerkung Links
IoT01 - Pi4b
- SSD Disk 250G
- Raspian Debian 10
1. Node Red
2. Mosquitto
3. InfluxDB  (inst.)
5. Grafana
6. Telegraf 
 4 should  be a software to visualise influx DB Node-Red | node-red-contrib-zigbee2mqtt
Node-Red | node-red-contrib-ttn
Github - Node Red | LoRaWAN-Mapper
bjoerns-techblog.de | node-red
github | Saving data received from MQTT to InfluxDB 
Presence detection with unifi node-red
IoT11 - Pi4b
RaspBee II (Zigbee Modul)
- Raspian Debian 10
- zigBee2mqtt
  Phoscon.de | Install RaspBee II 
IoT12 - Pi4b
- USB RTL 433 SDR-RTL Dongel
- Raspian Debian 10    - 

IoT Zoo Zigbee --> to IoT11
  Device/Art  Hersteller HW SW Bemerkung Links -
zoT01 Bulb1  E27 Lidl / SILVERCREST®          


IoT Zoo 433 Sensor --> to IoT12
  Device/Art  Hersteller HW SW Bemerkung Links -
    Oregon Scientific THGR228N   im Funk melden sich beide mit 
Oregon Scientific | THGR228N Mit Display | 433MHz Remote Sensor  
    Oregon Scientific THGN132N   Oregon Scientific | THGN132N ohne Display | 433MHz Remote Sensor  


[2017] ESP8266 & Public MQTT Broker HiveMQ & Node-RED
[2017] ESP8266 & Public MQTT Broker mosquitto.org & Node-RED 
[2018] Setting up an MQTT broker on Raspberry Pi
github | briangann/grafana-gauge-panel
Node Red Big Timer | scargill
ZigBee-Modul für den RaspberryPi (CC2530) mit Homegear oder zigbee2mqtt
- # 316 Pulse Oximetry Video | Smart Breathing Detection Integrated with Pulse Oximetry © MIT

Sigma iD.Free und eigenen Server GoldenCheetah und infos zum Thema Datenwache.de

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