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Arduino Uno | Arduino Starter Kit

The Starter Kit includes:
1 Projects Book (170 pages),
1 Arduino Uno,
1 USB cable,
1 Breadboard 400 points,
70Solid core jumper wires,
1 Easy-to-assemble wooden base,
1 9v battery snap,
1 Stranded jumper wires (black),
1 Stranded jumper wires (red),
6 Phototransistor,
3 Potentiometer 10kOhms,
10 Pushbuttons,
1 Temperature sensor [TMP36],
1 Tilt sensor,
1 alphanumeric LCD (16x2 characters),
1 LED (bright white),
1 LED (RGB),
8 LEDs (red),
8 LEDs (green),
8 LEDs (yellow),
3 LEDs (blue),
1 Small DC motor 6/9V,
1 Small servo motor,
1 Piezo capsule [PKM17EPP-4001-B0],
1 H-bridge motor driver [L293D],
1 Optocouplers [4N35],
2 Mosfet transistors [IRF520],
5 Capacitors 100uF,
5 Diodes [1N4007],
3 Transparent gels (red, green, blue),
1 Male pins strip (40x1),
20 Resistors 220 Ohms,
5 Resistors 560 Ohms,
5 Resistors 1 kOhms,
5 Resistors 4.7 kOhms,
20 Resistors 10 kOhms,
5 Resistors 1 MOhms,
5 Resistors 10 MOhms

- arduino.cc/genuino-starter-kit

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load wifi-credentials file with

// Replace with your actual SSID and password:

#define WIFI_SSID "Your SSID here"
#define WIFI_PASSWD "WLAN AP password here"
your sketch, you add: 
#include "credentials.h"

const char ssid[] = WIFI_SSID;
const char password[] = WIFI_PASSWD;
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